Friday, September 07, 2007


As you know we're having a referendum here at monash.....

The current situation
1) We need at least 75% of students to call for a referendum (like this one) if amendment to the constitution (like the one we're trying for now) is desired.
2) Likewise, we need at least 50% of students to call for a referendum on all other matters.
3) If there is a referendum, no matter the results of the referendum, the decision from the referendum will be invalid unless 75% of the total student population vote in the referendum.

what is the referendum about?
In simple words, it's like a survey lahh but with results that actually matter!
Two Yes/No questions.
1) To lower the minimum student requirement to call for a referendum to 5%.
2) To make the results of a referendum valid if 20% of the student population vote in a referendum about amendments to the constitution and 15% for referenda regarding other matters.

Wow, sounds complicated. Why do we need this voting for change?
Currently, it is difficult to get enough students to vote or propose any changes so the chances of anything ever materialising are close to zero. C'mon, when did you last vote in anything that mattered?

What we need to do now?
Firstly, make sure you know exactly what this referendum is about and what implications your vote will have. Secondly, log in to 'my monash' to vote.

My advice....
The info above is my way of interpretting this matter only.
You have to make choices for yourself.
Go to for more information or drop by at MUSA.
Vote!! Tell these people whether its a YES or NO. Even if you don't want the constitution amended, you gotta tell them you don't want it!

Lastly, PLEASE tell your friends about this too...

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